Have a wrap-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!
We use 3M wrap materials with a one-year warranty on our materials. However, 3M has an extended warranty. Please reach out to us for more information about 3M's warranty.
Removal varies from customer to customer depending on how long it's been on, if the installer used extra adhesive, and the kind of material used.
Due to these factors, we charge an hourly removal rate of $95 per hour. Alternatively, with the purchase of new graphics from us, we can give you a discount rate of $75 per hour. We cannot estimate this cost because we believe in the integrity of the hourly rate and will charge honestly and accordingly.
Anytime a wrap or graphics are applied to a vehicle with our premium 3M material, we estimate at least 4-5 years of use with proper care.
Proper care is defined as:
HAND WASHING: once a month or more, no automated car washes or high-pressure water as that could catch a seam or edge of the graphic and rip or peel. You can even wax-wrapped vehicles. (You may want to stay away from cut vinyl decals when waxing.)
PARKING YOUR VEHICLE INSIDE OR OUT OF THE SUN WHEN POSSIBLE: If it is parked in the same space every day consider backing in to rotate the vehicle every once in a while so one side is not more exposed to the sun than another.
ADDRESS ANY ISSUES WITH THE MATERIAL: as soon as they are noticed. I.e. lifting, peeling, bubbling. While not desired, sometimes these things do happen and can normally be fixed quickly and painlessly when they are not ignored.
We do offer a one-year warranty on material defects and installation. If you purchase materials only through us and arrange the installation with your own installer, we can only warranty material defects in that year, not installation defects.
We can guarantee a quote within 24 business hours if we have the year, make, model, and straight-on photos of your vehicle. We can give you a guesstimate over the phone, but it's best to send us all the information we need first.
Design times vary from customer to customer. For the most part, we have had success getting design approvals within 10 business days.
Once a design is approved, we can typically get the labor scheduled within 7-10 business days.
The scope of work and vehicle will determine actually installation time, but 2 business days on any vehicle having a full wrap applied is a good timeline to expect. Partial wraps and decals should take less.
Absolutely not.
We get a lot of calls about this, as people sometimes think wrapping is an alternative to painting, but the surface the vinyl is being applied to must be in good condition for the wrap to adhere properly and last the full life expectancy
Bad paint is considered to be chipping paint, paint that shows the clear coat peeling, or when rust is present. This is especially apparent in Chevy vans up to 2012 +/- and other times in repainted vehicles.
When installing a wrap, the panels are often repositioned or “popped” off of the vehicle after the adhesive side is exposed to the paint. If the paint or surface is deteriorated, it may stick to the back of the vinyl, removing it from the vehicle and perhaps rendering that vinyl panel useless and in need of replacement at the customer's expense.
We are not responsible for paint damage to a vehicle during installation and it is the customer’s responsibility to purchase the new materials if necessary. We also do not warranty materials if they are applied to a vehicle with known bad paint or if a defect in the wrap after installation is deemed to be due to poor paint quality.
Perforated vinyl is for the areas of a design that pass over windows. It has little holes punched in it so that you can see through, making sure that your design never impairs your safety.
We only expect perforated vinyl to last about one to two years, as it tends to fade and become brittle, sometimes peeling up from the edges. We aren’t big fans of it, but sometimes it is the only option.
Living in a world with backup cameras, some people choose to leave the opaque material on windows to keep people from seeing into the van if they are hauling expensive equipment.
If you want to discuss your options, reach out to us today.
First and foremost, we hope everyone is okay! Unfortunately, accidents do happen. In these situations, we are going to ask how much of the wrap will need to be repaired and how much of that is going to be removed by the body shop during their repair process.
If you need a rear panel, fender, or any single piece of your wrap, we can only assist if we were the original printer. Our files may vary slightly from another printer in size and color, therefore we can only produce partial repairs for those who originally purchased the graphics in question from us.
If you need an entire section replaced (i.e. a whole driver side, rear, hood, etc) and we were not the original printer, we would count on you to provide usable art for print.
Keep in mind: if a wrap has been on for more than a year and a new panel is placed next to an old one, you should expect to see a color difference, albeit small, from new print vs. old print.
Design for vehicle decals, partials, and full wraps is an inclusive service we offer. This free design includes three revisions at no charge, and we are usually very successful in accomplishing this when we get the proper "homework" from you. Any additional designs or proofs beyond the included three are billed at $85/hour and due in advance.
Below is the checklist we ask from our customers to get the free design done within that 3 revisions window:
We can assist with logo design if necessary but this will be billed as its own service.
If the final design includes any stock photos or design elements that require purchase to complete, that will be billed as a separate line item and you will be advised before Vixen Vehicle Graphics makes the final purchase.
Design/Art is the property of Vixen Vehicle Graphics and is not authorized to be taken to another company, duplicated by another company, produced/printed by another company unless otherwise discussed in writing between Vixen Vehicle Graphics and customer.
Design/Art is the property of Vixen Vehicle Graphics. It is not authorized to be taken to another company, duplicated by another company, or produced/printed by another company unless otherwise discussed in writing between Vixen Vehicle Graphics and the customer. Vixen Vehicle Graphics owns the rights to their source files. These files are not available to our customers by default, but may be available for purchase but at the discretion of Vixen Vehicle Graphics.
If you are interested in purchasing the files, please reach out to us today.
Serving San Antonio, TX, and surrounding areas. Vixen Vehicle Graphics specializes in commercial vehicle wraps and design services. Ask about our free wrap design. Free estimates within 24 hours. Fleet discounts available. Request a call back today.
Part of our history in the business is printing, shipping, and installing wraps anywhere in the country. We have a huge network of companies just like us who install our wraps from sea to shining sea. If you have multiple locations or just happened upon our little ol' website and you're not here in Texas, don't hesitate to give us a call and see if we can help!
San Antonio, TX
Live Oak, TX
Converse, TX
Seguin, TX,
New Braunfels, TX
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